다우닝 가 10번지

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팁 & 힌트
Andrew C
Can't really see much, due to security... the "famous door" is quite far down and it's hard to see it, even standing at the edge of the fence looking down the street- at an angle
Richard Costigan III
Not quite as easy to see it as portrayed on television and movies. I am sure if you made loud noises and begin running, you would get an insiders view and a deportation asap.
Sharon Docherty
If you have the opportunity to visit the Terracotta Room look above the door leading to the Pillared Room there is a tribute to Margaret Thatcher: a straw-carrying 'thatcher'.[110]
Carl Griffin
You can see the house through the gates but police will not let you through for a closer look.
It has served as the prime minister’s home sporadically since 1735 and continuously since 1902. Apart from living quarters, it includes state drawing and dining rooms for hosting dignitaries
Shunitsu Murakami
Ghosts at 10 Downing Street. London.http://www.walksoflondon.co.uk/57/ghosts-at-10-downing-stre.shtml晩餐会や調印式に使われるPillared Drawing Roomには、真珠の首飾りをつけてドレスを着た女性の幽霊が出るのだとか。幽霊は、官邸の公式ウェブサイトにも紹介されている。
댓글 더로드
Spectacular Strand 2 bed apartment!!

출발 $0

Amba Hotel Charing Cross

출발 $645

1 Compton

출발 $0

Clarendon Serviced Apartments - Chandos Place

출발 $0

The Grand at Trafalgar Square

출발 $418

Amba Hotel Charing Cross

출발 $0

근처의 추천 명소

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Monument to the Women of World War II

The National Monument to the Women of World War II is a British war

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위령비(慰靈碑)는 사고, 전쟁, 재해 등으로 숨진 사람이나 동물의 영혼을 위로하기 위해 건립된 기념비의 일종이다.

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호스 가즈 퍼레이드

호스 가즈 퍼레이드(영어: Horse Guards Parade)는 런던 호스 가즈의 시설로, 행군 등 영국 왕실의 주

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Banqueting House, Whitehall

The Banqueting House, Whitehall, London, is the grandest and best

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팔러먼트 광장

팔러먼트 광장(영어: Parliament Square)은 잉글랜드 런던 웨스트민스터 궁전 북서쪽에 위치한 광장이다.

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빅 벤

빅 벤(Big Ben)은 영국 런던의 웨스트민스터 궁전 북쪽 끝에 있는 시계탑에 딸린 큰 종(鐘)에 대한 별칭이다. 시계탑의

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세인트 마거릿 교회 (웨스트민스터)

세인트 마거릿 교회(영어: Church of St Margaret)는 잉글랜드 런던에 있는 잉글랜드 성공회

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Senjōgahara (戦場ヶ原) is a 4 square kilometres area in Tochigi Prefectu

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Old Port of Montreal

The Old Port of Montreal (French: Vieux-Port de Montréal) is the

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The Trocadéro, (Шаблон:IPA-fr), site of the Palais de Chaillot, Шаблон

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본초 자오선

본초 자오선(本初子午線)은 영국 그리니치의 그리니치 천문대를 지나는 자오선으로, 경도의 기준이 된다. 현재

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Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

The Budapest Castle Hill Funicular or Budavári Sikló is a funicular r

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